A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux

Made in 48 hours for the inaugural Seattle Indie Game Jam using C++/SDL/OpenGL. The game contains no assets, only code. It weighs in at under 60kb.

You are The Dude. You want to earn DAT FLIFF. If you lose all your fliff, game over! If you fill all 10 levels of your fliff meter, gg, you win!

Use arrow keys or a game controller to move.

Spend some of your fliff to activate fliff capsules. Fliff capsules hatch after a short while, offering a return on investment. Unless, of course, it's a scam.


fliff-mac 58 kB
fliff-linux 58 kB
Fliff.7z 400 kB

Install instructions


Unzip archive and double-click executable.


Double-click game file to run. If an "untrusted developer" warning shows up, Ctrl-Click->Open to trust the file. Or not. You never know, I could be scamming you.

SDL is required, you can get this from Homebrew  with brew install sdl2 or directly from libsdl.org: https://www.libsdl.org/release/SDL2-2.0.6.dmg


Let's be honest, if you're using Linux, you know what to do. Poke meif you have trouble.

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